P2WPKH address

 1import hashlib
 3from buidl.ecc import PrivateKey, Signature
 4from buidl.helper import decode_base58, big_endian_to_int
 5from buidl.bech32 import decode_bech32, encode_bech32_checksum
 6from buidl.script import P2PKHScriptPubKey, RedeemScript, WitnessScript, P2WPKHScriptPubKey
 7from buidl.tx import Tx, TxIn, TxOut
 9h = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple').digest()
10private_key = PrivateKey(secret=big_endian_to_int(h), network="signet")
11address = private_key.point.bech32_address("signet")
12print('Address:', str(address))
13# outputs: Address: tb1q08alc0e5ua69scxhvyma568nvguqccrvl7rkgx

Assuming the previously generated address has received funds, we can spend them. In order to spend them, we'll need information about the transaction id (txid) and a vector of an output (vout). You can get both from an explorer or by querying your running Bitcoin node by running listunspent along with some filters:

bitcoin-cli listunspent 1 9999999 "[\"address\"]"

Note that you must have an address in the watchlist in order to get any output. To add an address to a watchlist run importaddress:

bitcoin-cli importaddress <address> "<label>" false false

 1# we are continuing the code from above
 3txid = bytes.fromhex("5375b209e02aa4fd665b10fbbfbd5bbe3045a307ddcabd7571f87ab571a41e98")
 4vout = 1
 6# Specify the amount send to your P2WSH address.
 7COIN = 100000000
 8amount = int(0.001 * COIN)
10# Calculate an amount for the upcoming new UTXO. Set a high fee (5%) to bypass bitcoind minfee
11# setting on regtest.
12amount_less_fee = int(amount * 0.99)
14# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig defaults to being empty as
15# is necessary for spending a P2WSH output.
16txin = TxIn(txid, vout)
18# Specify a destination address and create the txout.
19h160 = decode_bech32("tb1qqqlcpznqkfa65wqd48mzzghpwzefgpvtvl0a7k")[2]
20txout = TxOut(amount=amount_less_fee, script_pubkey=P2WPKHScriptPubKey(h160))
22tx = Tx(1, [txin], [txout], 0, network="signet", segwit=True)
24redeem_script = private_key.point.p2sh_p2wpkh_redeem_script()
26# Sign the transaction (buidl makes a request to the explorer to fetch public key here)
27tx.sign_input(0, private_key, redeem_script=redeem_script)
29# Done! Print the transaction
31# outputs: 01000000000101981ea471b57af87175bdcadd07a34530be5bbdbffb105b66fda42ae009b275530100000000ffffffff01b882010000000000160014003f808a60b27baa380da9f62122e170b294058b02483045022100ca58968430508ce0a36b45c7ad53de85fbf111569ed822d69844fc232df9a7a6022011445083ce81f4cce1e8bc4a82b8338f9025de080dfb7e202352fe66411d117f01210378d430274f8c5ec1321338151e9f27f4c676a008bdf8638d07c0b6be9ab35c7100000000

Now that we have our signed and encoded transaction, we can broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

bitcoin-cli sendrawtransaction <transaction>

If the transaction is broadcasted successfully a transaction id will be returned. In this case it was d1be307fe1d50d1e0044ba6b031cf0ad7d105d4d7d1d1cc6a4abff8dd225386f.