P2WSH address (multisig)

The example for 1-of-1 should only serve as an example. We don't recommend using it in the real world because it is not its intention. Instead of 1-of-1 use P2PKH!

Generate address (1-of-1)

 1import hashlib
 3from bitcoin import SelectParams
 4from bitcoin.core import b2x, lx, COIN, COutPoint, CMutableTxOut, CMutableTxIn, CMutableTransaction, CTxInWitness, CTxWitness
 5from bitcoin.core.script import CScript, CScriptWitness, OP_0, OP_CHECKSIG, SignatureHash, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0
 6from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinSecret, CBitcoinAddress, P2WSHBitcoinAddress
 8# We'll be using regtest throughout this guide
11# Create the (in)famous correct brainwallet secret key.
12h = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple').digest()
13seckey = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h)
15# Create a witnessScript. witnessScript in SegWit is equivalent to redeemScript in P2SH transaction,
16# however, while the redeemScript of a P2SH transaction is included in the ScriptSig, the 
17# WitnessScript is included in the Witness field, making P2WSH inputs cheaper to spend than P2SH 
18# inputs.
19witness_script = CScript([seckey.pub, OP_CHECKSIG])
20script_hash = hashlib.sha256(witness_script).digest()
21script_pubkey = CScript([OP_0, script_hash])
23# Convert the P2WSH scriptPubKey to a base58 Bitcoin address and print it.
24# You'll need to send some funds to it to create a txout to spend.
25address = P2WSHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(script_pubkey)
26print('Address:', str(address))
27# outputs: Address: bcrt1qgatzazqjupdalx4v28pxjlys2s3yja9gr3xuca3ugcqpery6c3sqx9g8h7

Spend from address (1-of-1)

Assuming the previously generated address has received funds, we can spend them. In order to spend them, we'll need information about the transaction id (txid) and a vector of an output (vout). You can get both from an explorer or by querying your running Bitcoin node by running listunspent along with some filters:

bitcoin-cli listunspent 1 9999999 "[\"address\"]"

Note that you must have an address in the watchlist in order to get any output. To add an address to a watchlist run importaddress:

bitcoin-cli importaddress <address> "<label>" false false

 1# we are continuing the code from above
 3txid = lx("06d72b86c6200f5721c5de22e77a4e9fa5942eeb64d9ccb8232855575eaacec7")
 4vout = 0
 6# Specify the amount send to your P2WSH address.
 7amount = int(1 * COIN)
 9# Calculate an amount for the upcoming new UTXO. Set a high fee (5%) to bypass bitcoind minfee
10# setting on regtest.
11amount_less_fee = amount * 0.99
13# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig defaults to being empty as
14# is necessary for spending a P2WSH output.
15txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))
17# Specify a destination address and create the txout.
18destination = CBitcoinAddress("bcrt1q5j2zfz4gqe6kd68w9m4ed42n5v2qhfkapqadf0").to_scriptPubKey()
19txout = CMutableTxOut(amount_less_fee, destination)
21# Create the unsigned transaction.
22tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
24# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction.
25sighash = SignatureHash(
26    script=witness_script,
27    txTo=tx,
28    inIdx=0,
29    hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL,
30    amount=amount,
31    sigversion=SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0,
34# Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in this case the usual
36sig = seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
38# Construct a witness for this P2WSH transaction and add to tx.
39witness = CScriptWitness([sig, witness_script])
40tx.wit = CTxWitness([CTxInWitness(witness)])
42# Done! Print the transaction
44# outputs: 01000000000101c7ceaa5e57552823b8ccd964eb2e94a59f4e7ae722dec521570f20c6862bd7060000000000ffffffff01c09ee60500000000160014a494248aa8067566e8ee2eeb96d553a3140ba6dd02473044022031e858a32ab783a5a1c991b1dc67439d00ac5309ea9c7a144dd742835d9a5abe022030f0142bc37886a0cb73fc7d3701d57b682b12328af0f50bc511089f269e9c010123210378d430274f8c5ec1321338151e9f27f4c676a008bdf8638d07c0b6be9ab35c71ac00000000

Now that we have our signed and encoded transaction, we can broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

bitcoin-cli sendrawtransaction <transaction>

If the transaction is broadcasted successfully a transaction id will be returned. In this case it was 2f033335f99298cefa1895c399b2ab41f0dd1c9141b746159b2f9416dab53133.

Generate address (2-of-2)

In this example we show how to create a 2-of-2 multisig address. This means that two signatures are required in order to unlock funds.

 1import hashlib
 3from bitcoin import SelectParams
 4from bitcoin.core import b2x, lx, COIN, COutPoint, CMutableTxOut, CMutableTxIn, CMutableTransaction, CTxInWitness, CTxWitness
 5from bitcoin.core.script import CScript, CScriptWitness, OP_0, OP_2, OP_CHECKMULTISIG, SignatureHash, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0
 6from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinSecret, CBitcoinAddress, P2WSHBitcoinAddress
 8# We'll be using regtest throughout this guide
11# Create the (in)famous correct brainwallet secret key.
12# first key
13h1 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple first').digest()
14seckey1 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h1)
16# second key
17h2 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple second').digest()
18seckey2 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h2)
20# Create a witnessScript. witnessScript in SegWit is equivalent to redeemScript in P2SH transaction,
21# however, while the redeemScript of a P2SH transaction is included in the ScriptSig, the 
22# WitnessScript is included in the Witness field, making P2WSH inputs cheaper to spend than P2SH 
23# inputs.
24witness_script = CScript([OP_2, seckey1.pub, seckey2.pub, OP_2, OP_CHECKMULTISIG])
25script_hash = hashlib.sha256(witness_script).digest()
26script_pubkey = CScript([OP_0, script_hash])
28# Convert the P2WSH scriptPubKey to a base58 Bitcoin address and print it.
29# You'll need to send some funds to it to create a txout to spend.
30address = P2WSHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(script_pubkey)
31print('Address:', str(address))
32# outputs: Address: bcrt1qljlyqaexx4mmhpl66e6nqdtagjaht87pghuq6p0f98a765c9uj9s3f3ee3

Spend from address (2-of-2)

Assuming the previously generated address has received funds, we can spend them. In order to spend them, we'll need information about the transaction id (txid) and a vector of an output (vout). You can get both from an explorer or by querying your running Bitcoin node by running listunspent along with some filters:

bitcoin-cli listunspent 1 9999999 "[\"address\"]"

Note that you must have an address in the watchlist in order to get any output. To add an address to a watchlist run importaddress:

bitcoin-cli importaddress <address> "<label>" false false

 1# we are continuing the code from above
 3txid = lx("49ff22c9985c1991791b7a3bd6a2e8d1d6567ca283e0885afdc83bd92f56d1c4")
 4vout = 0
 6# Specify the amount send to your P2WSH address.
 7amount = int(1 * COIN)
 9# Calculate an amount for the upcoming new UTXO. Set a high fee (5%) to bypass bitcoind minfee
10# setting on regtest.
11amount_less_fee = amount * 0.99
13# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig defaults to being empty as
14# is necessary for spending a P2WSH output.
15txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))
17# Specify a destination address and create the txout.
18destination = CBitcoinAddress("bcrt1q0q579hm06qf655cr6ns274udgf6k9x7nedkeaa").to_scriptPubKey() 
19txout = CMutableTxOut(amount_less_fee, destination)
21# Create the unsigned transaction.
22tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
24# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction.
25sighash = SignatureHash(
26    script=witness_script,
27    txTo=tx,
28    inIdx=0,
29    hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL,
30    amount=amount,
31    sigversion=SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0,
34# Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in this case the usual
36sig1 = seckey1.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
37sig2 = seckey2.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
39# Construct a witness for this P2WSH transaction and add to tx.
40witness = CScriptWitness([b"", *[sig1, sig2], witness_script])
41tx.wit = CTxWitness([CTxInWitness(witness)])
43# Done! Print the transaction
45# outputs: 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

Now that we have our signed and encoded transaction, we can broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

bitcoin-cli sendrawtransaction <transaction>

If the transaction is broadcasted successfully a transaction id will be returned. In this case it was 8a5115099d07455670db03f791f3caf9788bb9eea4a0d5b7133c3ff804d262ac.

Generate address (1-of-3)

In this example we show how to create a 1-of-3 multisig address. This means that one out of three signatures can unlock and spend bitcoins.

 1import hashlib
 3from bitcoin import SelectParams
 4from bitcoin.core import b2x, lx, COIN, COutPoint, CMutableTxOut, CMutableTxIn, CMutableTransaction, CTxInWitness, CTxWitness
 5from bitcoin.core.script import CScript, CScriptWitness, OP_0, OP_1, OP_3, OP_CHECKMULTISIG, SignatureHash, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0
 6from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinSecret, CBitcoinAddress, P2WSHBitcoinAddress
 8# We'll be using regtest throughout this guide
11# Create the (in)famous correct brainwallet secret key.
12# first key
13h1 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple first').digest()
14seckey1 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h1)
16# second key
17h2 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple second').digest()
18seckey2 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h2)
20# third key
21h3 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple third').digest()
22seckey3 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h2)
24# Create a witnessScript. witnessScript in SegWit is equivalent to redeemScript in P2SH transaction,
25# however, while the redeemScript of a P2SH transaction is included in the ScriptSig, the 
26# WitnessScript is included in the Witness field, making P2WSH inputs cheaper to spend than P2SH 
27# inputs.
28witness_script = CScript([OP_1, seckey1.pub, seckey2.pub, seckey3.pub, OP_3, OP_CHECKMULTISIG])
29script_hash = hashlib.sha256(witness_script).digest()
30script_pubkey = CScript([OP_0, script_hash])
32# Convert the P2WSH scriptPubKey to a base58 Bitcoin address and print it.
33# You'll need to send some funds to it to create a txout to spend.
34address = P2WSHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(script_pubkey)
35print('Address:', str(address))
36# outputs: Address: bcrt1qt5s78re655w4ls6t2pdgl3mttnqmp3acekgx2n6wuad2cj5cne2s4ktpvj

Spend from address (1-of-3)

Assuming the previously generated address has received funds, we can spend them. In order to spend them, we'll need information about the transaction id (txid) and a vector of an output (vout). You can get both from an explorer or by querying your running Bitcoin node by running listunspent along with some filters:

bitcoin-cli listunspent 1 9999999 "[\"address\"]"

Note that you must have an address in the watchlist in order to get any output. To add an address to a watchlist run importaddress:

bitcoin-cli importaddress <address> "<label>" false false

 1# we are continuing the code from above
 3txid = lx("d8b82af8cf10749dd8bfc703c1ff414ce3d2cdd08c2e2004f720721b91f43fe1")
 4vout = 0
 6# Specify the amount send to your P2WSH address.
 7amount = int(1 * COIN)
 9# Calculate an amount for the upcoming new UTXO. Set a high fee (5%) to bypass bitcoind minfee
10# setting on regtest.
11amount_less_fee = amount * 0.99
13# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig defaults to being empty as
14# is necessary for spending a P2WSH output.
15txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))
17# Specify a destination address and create the txout.
18destination = CBitcoinAddress("bcrt1q0q579hm06qf655cr6ns274udgf6k9x7nedkeaa").to_scriptPubKey() 
19txout = CMutableTxOut(amount_less_fee, destination)
21# Create the unsigned transaction.
22tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
24# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction.
25sighash = SignatureHash(
26    script=witness_script,
27    txTo=tx,
28    inIdx=0,
29    hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL,
30    amount=amount,
31    sigversion=SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0,
34# Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in this case the usual
36sig2 = seckey2.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
38# Construct a witness for this P2WSH transaction and add to tx.
39witness = CScriptWitness([b"", *[sig2], witness_script])
40tx.wit = CTxWitness([CTxInWitness(witness)])
42# Done! Print the transaction
44# outputs: 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

Now that we have our signed and encoded transaction, we can broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

bitcoin-cli sendrawtransaction <transaction>

If the transaction is broadcasted successfully a transaction id will be returned. In this case it was 53e73442d40f8711a5f9b3ea47270498cb3ae8addd9a4d88a1513b48b6aaad19.

Generate address (2-of-3)

In this example we show how to create a 2-of-3 multisig address. This means that two out of three signatures can unlock and spend bitcoins.

 1import hashlib
 3from bitcoin import SelectParams
 4from bitcoin.core import b2x, lx, COIN, COutPoint, CMutableTxOut, CMutableTxIn, CMutableTransaction, CTxInWitness, CTxWitness
 5from bitcoin.core.script import CScript, CScriptWitness, OP_0, OP_2, OP_3, OP_CHECKMULTISIG, SignatureHash, SIGHASH_ALL, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0
 6from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinSecret, CBitcoinAddress, P2WSHBitcoinAddress
 8# We'll be using regtest throughout this guide
11# Create the (in)famous correct brainwallet secret key.
12# first key
13h1 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple first').digest()
14seckey1 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h1)
16# second key
17h2 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple second').digest()
18seckey2 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h2)
20# third key
21h3 = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple third').digest()
22seckey3 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h2)
24# Create a witnessScript. witnessScript in SegWit is equivalent to redeemScript in P2SH transaction,
25# however, while the redeemScript of a P2SH transaction is included in the ScriptSig, the 
26# WitnessScript is included in the Witness field, making P2WSH inputs cheaper to spend than P2SH 
27# inputs.
28witness_script = CScript([OP_2, seckey1.pub, seckey2.pub, seckey3.pub, OP_3, OP_CHECKMULTISIG])
29script_hash = hashlib.sha256(witness_script).digest()
30script_pubkey = CScript([OP_0, script_hash])
32# Convert the P2WSH scriptPubKey to a base58 Bitcoin address and print it.
33# You'll need to send some funds to it to create a txout to spend.
34address = P2WSHBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(script_pubkey)
35print('Address:', str(address))
36# outputs: Address: bcrt1qahl75z6ykqwh0sqseqlfvu3z77tzcknwa0pp85f9rrpm33ca8f5qcmgl5s

Spend from address (2-of-3)

Assuming the previously generated address has received funds, we can spend them. In order to spend them, we'll need information about the transaction id (txid) and a vector of an output (vout). You can get both from an explorer or by querying your running Bitcoin node by running listunspent along with some filters:

bitcoin-cli listunspent 1 9999999 "[\"address\"]"

Note that you must have an address in the watchlist in order to get any output. To add an address to a watchlist run importaddress:

bitcoin-cli importaddress <address> "<label>" false false

 1# we are continuing the code from above
 3txid = lx("0acb5f272058c26e5350f1e6f749acdf7233e995f24921d428933817ec46d101")
 4vout = 0
 6# Specify the amount send to your P2WSH address.
 7amount = int(1 * COIN)
 9# Calculate an amount for the upcoming new UTXO. Set a high fee (5%) to bypass bitcoind minfee
10# setting on regtest.
11amount_less_fee = amount * 0.99
13# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig defaults to being empty as
14# is necessary for spending a P2WSH output.
15txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))
17# Specify a destination address and create the txout.
18destination = CBitcoinAddress("bcrt1q0q579hm06qf655cr6ns274udgf6k9x7nedkeaa").to_scriptPubKey() 
19txout = CMutableTxOut(amount_less_fee, destination)
21# Create the unsigned transaction.
22tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
24# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction.
25sighash = SignatureHash(
26    script=witness_script,
27    txTo=tx,
28    inIdx=0,
29    hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL,
30    amount=amount,
31    sigversion=SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0,
34# Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in this case the usual
36sig2 = seckey2.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
37sig3 = seckey3.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
39# Construct a witness for this P2WSH transaction and add to tx.
40witness = CScriptWitness([b"", *[sig2, sig3], witness_script])
41tx.wit = CTxWitness([CTxInWitness(witness)])
43# Done! Print the transaction
45# outputs: 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

Now that we have our signed and encoded transaction, we can broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

bitcoin-cli sendrawtransaction <transaction>

If the transaction is broadcasted successfully a transaction id will be returned. In this case it was 7805449ea7433df7f9674035fdd88052da2084ecf70ca1285efc3e9b4fd0ea44.